
Friday, May 10, 2013

day 10: well this is embarrassing...

let me preface this oh, so embarrassing story with the fact that i pretty much embarrass myself on a daily basis with one thing or another. it seems that i am constantly running into something, falling down, putting my foot in my mouth, etc. and always, always in front of a group of people. because of this, it is extremely hard for me to pinpoint just one of those embarrassing moments for today's blog challenge, but here it goes. 


florence + the machine comes to dallas for a show, and me and two of my girlfriends decide to make it a girls' night out. (read more about the incredible force that is florence here.) as with most girls' nights out, some cocktails were involved at the concert, and throughout the night, i texted photos of the concert to my friends and parents. 

i, in my greatness, decide i wanted to buy a glow headband from this guy selling them because it just seems like the best idea ever. (please keep in mind that the headband will now forever be known as the "glow stick.") 

me, with said glow stick after the concert, but before the most embarrassing thing. ever.
as we're leaving the concert, my friend, erica, snaps a photo of me (above). i think it's cute and decide to i send it to my parents (via group text) and michael. 

we get to the car, and i decide to text michael and let him know that we're on our way home. my friend, erica, is driving, and amy is in the back seat. as i mentioned before, i had had a few drinks, and with amy's encouragement, i think it will be funny to send a little risque text to michael. what's the harm, right? WRONG!

in an effort to do a little play-on-words (because i'm soooooo literary), i make a reference to michael's "glow stick," only to realize that i accidentally entered the text into the group message i have with my parents. 


as soon as i realize it, i scream what i've done, erica almost wrecks her car, and amy almost pees her pants laughing. i, on the other hand, am mortified. but guess what! you can't "unsend" a text, and i received the following response. thank goodness my parents have a sense of humor!

wondering why mom mom says "we are getting used to it?" don't worry. this, sadly, is not the first time this has happened. 

moral of the story? glow sticks are overrated, and group text messages are of the devil!


  1. Stopping by from the link up! This is one of my worst fears... I am so paranoid about group texts for this very reason. Glad your parents have a sense of humor :)

  2. I literally laughed out loud when I read this!! Hilarious but absolutely mortifying at the same time! Good job, Rach :)
