
Monday, May 21, 2012

it's a date!

i will officially become mrs. michael lee on march 23, 2013! eek! we originally wanted to do march 30 (no particular reason, just picked it out), but then realized that that's easter weekend. we know a lot of our friends and family will have to travel to come to our wedding and that they also would probably like to be able to be at their home church for easter sunday, so we opted to move it up one weekend. 

i'm so stoked!!

i get to spend the rest of my life with this guy...

look at that face! he's adorable!

how could i not be totally pumped?! 

in other news...our lease is up on our apartment at the beginning of august and if we choose not to renew at our current complex, we have to let them know 60 days in advance (june 2). we're looking into our options, but so far, i haven't really had anything turn up. we'd LOVE to get into a house, but i haven't really found any decent rent houses just yet. any ideas, anyone?? worst case scenario, we can stay where we are, but i know it'd be amazing if we could get a little more space. (disclaimer: we love the neighborhood that we live in now. it's quaint, within walking distance to both of our jobs, and close to 75 and george bush. however, from what we've been told, the management likes to bump the rent up ridiculously when tenants renew. awesome. i guess we'll see what happens...)

lastly, incubus is coming back to town in september and i want to go soooooooo bad! michael, my sister, becca, her boyfriend, nik, and i went when they were in town last september and it was soooo fun!! they're my favorite band, hands down, and i'd love to see them again! here's some shots from that weekend!

nik and my sis.
ps. this photo was taken about 37 seconds
before nik convinced michael to be a hippy
 and take his shirt off for the concert.
needless to say, fun was had by all.

and since incubus has come up, i leave you with one of my favorite songs, "love hurts." 



  1. aww yeah for setting a date! I'm putting that in my calendar right now!!

  2. I'm glad you set a don't stress. LOL Can't wait to follow all your adventures you crazy kid. LOL
