
Monday, June 25, 2012

it's gettin' hott in hurr...

summer is upon us, y'all!! however, contrary to nelly, please, do not take off all your clothes. you guys. it is HOT in plano, texas! 

good thing it's only going to be 106 tomorrow. i was getting a little worried it would be too warm this week. then it's supposed to drop to 102-ish for the rest of the week. i wonder if i should get my sweaters out?? i'd hate to catch a chill from these dropping temps!

i've got to make benny-boy an appointment to get his hair cut. he can't hack it in this heat, either! which brings me to my own hair. i'm thinking i want to cut it. michael (and everyone else i see on the reg) says absolutely not. a girl can dream, though, right?? 

look at those lovely locks! 
toodles, lovelies! have a great week!


  1. I want to cut my hair too but everyone is opposed. I'm doing it anyway I decided

  2. Oh goodness! I do NOT envy your heat! It's in the 70s here today (not to rub it in!). Hope you have a good a/c unit and lots of ice in the freezer for the next week!
