
Friday, May 3, 2013

day 3: things that make me uncomfortable

my interpretation of "uncomfortable" for today's challenge post translates directly to "awkward."

1. basically every aspect of this video. poor baby...she didn't stand a chance. come on, that open-mouth hip wiggling? the penguin dance stance? i can barely watch it myself. my personal favorite cringe-worthy spot is where johnny spins her away at the very end and just bounces on her (right around 1:23). sorry, baby, the dancing was even too awkward for groin-thrusting-johnny.

2. when you see someone you know wave and you wave back. then you realize they were not looking at you at all, rather, they were saying hello to the person behind you. this situation makes me want to crawl under a rock.

3. when you try to give the "high five" to someone and they totally do not reciprocate and you are "left hanging." the discomfort is especially terrible when you're surrounded by a group of people. neat.

4. this one's a double whammy. it's soooo uncomfortable when you see someone and they don't remember you. add insult to injury when they make it known that they don't remember you and you make it known that you clearly know them. second one, it's super awkward when you think someone's about to ask you to do something (go on a date, hang out, etc.) and they're not.

these are just a few situations that make me suuuuuper uncomfortable. what about you? what makes you cringe??

later lovelies!